10 Coolest Starter Pokémon

7. Chimchar

Starter Pokemon
The Pokémon Company

Obviously in the original 151, we had Mankey and Primeape to fill the role of chimpanzee-lookalike Pokémon but when generation four rolled around we obviously needed an update. Sinnoh brought us Chimchar, another fire/fighting type starter which wasn’t just fulfilling for our pyromaniac based needs but was actually the best starter to take if you take a look at their base stats.

All of us who took Chimchar to help us become the very best never second guessed our choice as we ventured through Sinnoh and trained the tiny monkey up all the way through its Monferno phase and well into its Infernape stage.

The smile on Chimchar’s face is all a ruse to how dangerous and awesome it really is!

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A media production student with an absurd ambition of wanting to write my own TV series. Dream big, kid.