10 Coolest Starter Pokémon

5. Litten

Starter Pokemon
The Pokémon Company

There were a lot of people, both casual players and fans, who thought that the people over at The Pokémon Company were running out of ideas when it came to new Pokémon.

So when the three starters for Sun & Moon were revealed, there were some skeptics that judged Litten’s basic design. It’s a kitten right? What’s so special there?

Then we really got to see what Litten was made of in some of the trailers, finding out that by levelling this little Pokémon up we unlocked both fire type moves and dark/ghost type moves. By level 8 Litten can learn Lick, which came as a shock to most fans as we hadn't yet seen a Fire/Dark type starter Pokémon.

Safe to say, Litten is likely to go down as one of the coolest starter Pokémon, especially when people find out what his final evolution looks like.

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A media production student with an absurd ambition of wanting to write my own TV series. Dream big, kid.