10 Coolest Starter Pokémon

3. Turtwig

Starter Pokemon
The Pokémon Company

From a turtle to a tortoise. Although he may be almost as slow as an actual tortoise he makes up for that in raw power (even if it’s base stats make him the slowest of all the starters in history).

Turtwig is often used as a tank in Pokémon. This meaning that it's there to absorb damage whilst other team mates power up etc. This happens especially when Turtwig evolves into Torterra, due to its massive defence stats compared to other starters.

A huge reason why Turtwig makes it onto the list though is due to its final evolution. Imagine a huge island-like tortoise just stood in front of you taking damage while you heal up your stronger, faster Pokémon. A champion, if ever I saw one.

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A media production student with an absurd ambition of wanting to write my own TV series. Dream big, kid.