10 Crazy Celebrity Cameos In Video Games You Forgot About

7. Sean Bean - Hitman 2

Sean Bean Hitman 2
IO Interactive

At some point over the last five years it became startling clear that no matter the universe, Sean Bean kept dying. He’d sort of become a professional at it.

Everyone thought this was hilarious, including IO Interactive, who decided to double down on the meme in Hitman 2 by featuring Bean as the game’s first Elusive Target. He played the role of former MI5 agent Mark Faba, nicknamed “The Undying” for his ability to fake his own death. Faba roams his level recounting all the ways people have tried to take him out while you try to do just that. It’s all very tongue in cheek and lets you get in on the fun by killing Sean Bean in one of a large variety of bizarre ways that only Hitman 2 can provide.

Or you could let him survive something for once.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.