10 Crazy Video Game Fan Theories That Predicted The Future

1. The Real Venom Snake Was With You All Along - Metal Gear Solid V

Wolfenstein the New Order BJ

Back when Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes came out, there was a wide range of YouTube videos trying to speculate what's going to happen in the sequel.

Some of those video predictions were more serious than others, but one particular claim among them made history for being the most hilariously random gaming theory: That the real Venom Snake was the medic in the chopper that appeared in the finale.

The theory wasn't ridiculous only because you played as Venom the entire game, but also because most of its proponents based it off ridiculous things, such as the Venom's in-game textures looking wrong or that he was casting a shadow that didn't resemble him.

Still, there were some arguments that sounded more compelling, such as the medic sharing his voice actor with the main character or that his face was suspiciously obscured at all times. It was these clues that managed to reach the truth.

When Phantom Pain finally came out and the game revealed that the Big Boss you played as was actually an impostor, all the fan theorists were proven right.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.