10 Creative Ways Video Games Fought Cheaters

7. Elements Disappear When The Game Is Paused - Mario Party

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Sometimes the most elegantly simple solutions are the most brilliantly effective, and in the case of the Mario Party franchise, Nintendo realised that players could cheese some of the memory-based mini-games by simply hitting the pause button and waiting until they had memorised everything on-screen.

And so, in many of the series' games, the respective visual elements will actually disappear from the screen while the game is paused and only re-appear when it's un-paused, in turn preventing players from abusing the pause feature to net themselves an easy win.

In fact, Mario Party isn't the only Nintendo franchise to do this - pausing the WarioWare games during mini-games will cause the screen to be plunged into total darkness, ensuring you can't take advantage of the paused screen.

On the surface this might seem like an incredibly straight-forward remedy to a most basic level of cheating, and yet, how many other games have ever actually implemented it?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.