10 Creepiest Pokémon Ever

7. Spoink

spoinkWhat is it: It is a pig Pokémon head on a spring, which is a Psychic type native to the Hoenn region. Why it is creepy: Did you not read its description? A pig head on a spring! Actually it gets worse. The Pokédex for its Ruby entry reads: "Spoink bounces around on its tail. The shock of bouncing makes its heart pump. As a result this Pokémon cannot afford to stop bouncing - if it stops, its heart will stop." That right there is messed up. Other Pokédex entries state it bounces whilst sleeping. I should think so if that is what it has to do to stay alive!
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Often called PkmnTrainerJ in most places, Joseph is an avid Pokemon player, father, Doctor Who watcher and husband and in his spare time writes articles for WhatCulture, but he doesn't get a lot of spare time.