10 Creepiest Video Game Boss Designs

7. Rat King - The Last Of Us II

The Last Of Us Part 2 rat king
Naughty Dog

You’re gonna see some patterns developing in this list. Really long limbs, too many limbs, and solitary gross creatures actually consisting of multiple gross creatures all stapled together. This entry is the latter.

This nasty giant super-organism is basically a heap of Stalkers, Clickers, and a Bloater that have all glommed together. Ellie encounters it in the dark in the Seattle hospital. At first you’ll try to run, but eventually have no other choice but to fight. When Ellie damages it enough, one of these intertwined buddies will gorily peel themselves off the main mass of flesh and exhibit behaviours not typical of their enemy type.

The best part of this is they actually did the mocap by piling the actors on top of each other and it looks exactly as funny as you expect. During the fight Abby will exclaim “I’m not dying here” but more realistically you probably will die here. More than once.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.