10 Creepiest Video Game Boss Designs

5. Amalgam Alpha - Evil Within

Evil Within Amalgam Alpha

Before I crack into this one I have to give an honorable mention to Laura from Evil Within, a truly horrific foe that fits right into our ‘really long limbs’ category, and also has limbs where there shouldn’t be limbs.

Unfortunately I have to give this slot to the game’s other enemy, Amalgam Alpha, because really what the f*ck is this? Well, we know it’s another super-organism made up of corpses and other bits and pieces. Yes, horror game developers clearly ran with the theme. But it’s also got a gaping, drooling mouth underneath it, and a big eye on a tentacle for spotting you around corners so it can kill you dead. So I guess this is like if the Rat King and Gaping Dragon had a baby? A really, really horrible baby? All I know is I do not need to see that love scene.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.