10 Creepiest Video Game Monsters You Totally Missed

8. Weeping Angels - The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (2015)

Gears of war judgment epic reaper
CD Projekt

Whether you're a fan of Doctor Who or not, you'll most likely have heard of the Weeping Angels, which are, without doubt, among the revival series' most terrifying villains. Known as the Lonely Assassins, these aliens are biologically programmed to turn to stone whenever any living thing looks upon them.

They're also lightning fast, however, and all it takes is a blink for them to catch up to their helpless prey.

The Witcher III pays homage to these creatures in spectacularly chilling fashion. In a cemetery just outside the town of Lindenvale is a small chapel, and you'll notice immediately the two unassuming statues standing either side of it.

After entering and exiting the building, the statues have moved. They're now in the middle of the grass... looking straight at you.

Go a little further away then look back, and you'll see that they've turned around again, their stone eyes locked on you. Thankfully, that's as far as the easter egg goes (they're not about to send you back in time like the real things) - but seeing these angels seemingly come to life was certainly a shock you weren't prepared for.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.