10 Creepy Secrets Behind Classic Video Games

8. All These Cut Monsters - Silent Hill

Silent Hill

Though the original Silent Hill turned 20 years old this year, only in recent times have hackers been able to discover the full extent of the game's content, due to the complexity of how it stores and indexes its textures.

The big discovery revealed that Silent Hill actually contains seven secret enemies on-disc which don't appear in the game's story at all, and each of them are grotesque abominations based on actual animals.

These monsters include horrific iterations of frogs, monkeys, ostriches, snakes, manta rays, butterflies, and chickens, each lent a distinct mutation like only Silent Hill knows how. The chicken, the largest of the lot, has been speculated to be a scrapped boss.

Though the enemy models have no A.I. routines programmed in, modders have nevertheless been able to import the monsters into the game and interact with them.

The results, evidently, are fascinatingly disturbing for fans of the series, and further affirm the franchise's penchant for making players' skin crawl in the most unique way.

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Silent Hills
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.