10 Creepy Secrets Behind Classic Video Games

5. "Mr. Friendly" AKA The Tentacled Rape Monster Hidden In The Game Files - Half-Life

Half-Life Mr Friendly

Because the whole "secretly tortured zombie" revelation wasn't traumatic enough, fans who dug into the files of the original Half-Life discovered a cut enemy going by the name of "Mr. Friendly."

Mr. Friendly was a stomach-churning mix of horse and cow, its primary function in the game to devour enemy bodies, thereby explaining their periodic disappearance in the game.

The creature's designer, Ted Backman, also proposed that Mr. Friendly would use its tentacles to drag the player towards its genitals and, for want of a better phrase, rape Gordon Freeman to death.

Mr. Friendly was primarily created with the intent of making homophobic teenage boys, who comprised a large portion of the player demographic, uncomfortable.

Though the creature was scrapped during the final development push, its character model remains in the game along with some basic animations, though no A.I. was programmed for the behemoth.

Still, its sheer grotesque appearance and erratic movements are plenty creepy enough.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.