10 Creepy Video Game Details That Will Give You Chills

3: Portal 2 - Ratman’s Den

Ratman Portal 2

There’s a lot going on in the Portal-verse. The cake is a lie, companion cube is adorable, GLaDOS is a potato, and Aperture Science is nutso crazy. Ignore the shirt.

On top of all that you’ve got Ratman’s Den, the home of Doug Rattman, who first uttered the phrase “the cake is a lie”. You can find his scribblings in hidden rooms scattered through Portal and Portal 2, clearly moving between them to avoid GlaDOS. You probably already had your suspicions about GlaDOS but Ratman’s investigation really takes the cake. Sorry.

His writing describes the series of events where GlaDOS murdered almost everyone in the Aperture facility with nerve gas and tortured all the survivors with constant tests leaving only Chell as the sole living Test Subject.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.