10 Crippling Issues That Could Kill Pokémon GO

3. Battles Need To Be Turn-Based

Pokemon Go

Yes, yes, wailing on an opponent by tapping the living daylights out of them is a fun and easy way for everyone to get involved with battling for a gym, but... well, it's just not the right way to fight in a Pokémon game, is it?

Turn-based is how it's been since the beginning, and by reducing what could be a great game of outwitting your opponent by choosing specific elemental attacks, moves and items to overcome them, devolving into button-mashing feels like more than a step backwards.

Niantic must have thought about adding player-vs-player battles, and no doubt they'll be coming at some point in the future, but as a recent report states, type of Pokémon and elemental attacks now matter more than ever when it comes to dishing out damage - so why not make battles turn-based so we can make the most of it?

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