10 Critically Acclaimed Video Games That Players Hated

2. Modern Warfare 3

Star Wars Battlefront 2

Metacritic Score: 88

User Score: 3.4

Pretty much every Call of Duty has received a kicking from users on Metacritic regardless of whether the game was actually any good or not, but the one time the bombing of the score was justified was with Modern Warfare 3.

The first sequel after the founders of Infinity War left to form their own company, the finale to the world-changing FPS franchise lacked the heart and the creative spark that made the first two shooters in the series so special.

It capped off the story in a relatively satisfying way, but technical shortcomings and rote set-pieces made what should have been a heart-pounding finale feel like a footnote bolted onto the previous Modern Warfare games.

Likewise, the multiplayer is probably the worst in the entire series, repeating weapons, perks and equipment from previous games without adding anything new to the table. The map design was also terrible, resulting in constant cheap deaths that led to a rage quit almost every round.

It was the first major misstep COD made, and only a few releases in the franchise have sank as low since.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3