10 Cruel Difficulty Modes You Can't Handle

3. Mein Leben - Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

The Evil Within Ruvik

Even on its more merciful difficulties, Wolfenstein II isn't an easy game. It wears its crushing challenge on its sleeve by borderline mocking players for choosing the easier settings by naming them Can I Play, Daddy? and Don’t Hurt Me. For those not wishing to be ridiculed by the difficulty select screen, the aptly named I Am Death Incarnate! is there as the ultra-hard option for “the fearless gamer”.

This mode doesn’t undersell the difficulty. Enemies are incredibly aggressive and even more accurate with their shots, able to take out Blazkowicz in a few shots while tanking a ridiculous amount of damage before going down themselves. The punishment is so severe that some frustrated fans took to the internet to vent about its unfairness.

But for those who manage to beat this mode, Wolfenstein II has one more challenge left, and that’s Mein Leben.

Unlocked only after beating the ultra-hard mode, this level is essentially the same but with saves now disabled. Die once, and players will need to try again from the very start.

While it's possible to see this mode through to the end (with 0.02% of players unlocking the Mein Leben achievement), your sanity will be lost in the process.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.