10 Cruel Tricks Horror Video Games Played On Players

6. The Back Hall Is A Safe Room (Until It Isn't) - Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Until Dawn
Frictional Games

Even the most fierce horror games offer up safe rooms - designated areas where the player is safe from attacks, and where they can take a moment to catch their breath, save their game, and maybe even sort out their inventory free from harassment.

But Amnesia: The Dark Descent brilliantly used the notion of a safe room to only further toy with the player's sense of safety (or lack thereof).

Mid-way through the game you'll arrive at the Back Hall, a hub-like area that acts as a safe room: it's decently lit, spacious, there are no enemies in sight, and the music is pretty calming. Even the presence of a creepy-ass fountain in the middle of the room can't ruin the chill vibe too much.

But later in the game, this apparent sanctuary will be invaded by the malevolent supernatural entity known as The Shadow. Flesh-like residue will fill the hall, and the water in the fountain will turn blood-red.

Though there's something of an unspoken agreement between developers and players that safe rooms are indeed off-limits, Frictional Games so ingeniously betrayed that trust in the pursuit of an intense scare - and it absolutely worked.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.