10 Cruel Tricks Video Games Played On Open World Players

3. Your Failures Caught In Slow-Mo - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

skyrim archery

I’m sure Bethesda only meant well when they let you see your kills in awesome slow motion animation, except that ‘slow motion’ isn’t ‘no motion’, so, say you’re attacking with a bow and arrow or a similarly small projectile and there’s a chance you’re in a sick zoomed-in cutscene just to watch yourself miss. Skyrim’s arrows so often have a mind of their own, even the game doesn’t seem to be aware of the fact that you can miss.

While this one is absolutely cruel, it’s probably a programming failure making it cruel and not the devs setting out to make you feel like a dummy.

This cruel trick gets even nastier and, let’s face it, more entertaining, because maxing out the archery tree in Skyrim will grant you the bullseye skill which can give you a chance to paralyse enemies with your shots. That sounds all well and good except upon getting paralysed they fall to the ground meaning they’ve moved position after the skill has been triggered meaning the arrow you just shot off right at their brain place has now sailed right over the top of them.

Not a waste of skill points at all.

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