10 Cruel Tricks Video Games Played On Wrestling Fans

8. The Wildly Outdated Rosters - WWE 2K

WCW Backstage Assault
2K Games

It's clear that the annualised WWE 2K games are made under crushing time constraints, but one of the series' biggest issues is just how grossly outdated each game's roster tends to be.

It's been estimated that the roster cutoff period is typically around WrestleMania, which with most games releasing in October is almost seven months before they hit stores.

As any wrestling fan knows, a lot can change in that time, and due to that ultra-early deadline, the rosters are often comically outdated by the time the games reach us.

Take WWE 2K22, which includes Braun Strowman and Adam Cole among its playable superstars despite them being released from WWE in June and August of last year respectively, many months before the game's release.

At least in Strowman's case his recent return makes his inclusion feel appropriate once again - albeit only accidentally.

These are just two examples of 2K's ridiculous roster deadlines, without getting into the egregious omissions that fans complain about each and every year - most notably in WWE 2K22, Zelina Vega's absence.

All in all it's clear that something desperately needs to change with the series' development pipeline, because though scanning wrestlers and adding them into the game represents a lot of work, an annualised game shouldn't feel this old as soon as it's released.

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WWE 2K22
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.