10 Cut Video Game Levels You Won’t Believe Exist
5. The Mountain Peak - Stardew Valley
Sometimes, in especially unusual circumstances, a level or area from a game will be cut despite the fact that fans had seen it in previously revealed footage and screenshots of the game. This was the exact case for the mountain peak area in Stardew Valley, as there were both screenshots of areas that led to the area, and the fact that it existed in the game's files, and yet didn't exist when you actually booted it up.
Speculation for this is that the area had only been designed for special events - since Santa could be seen up in this mysterious area during Christmas.
This area has been patched in my several mods developed over the years, as it is a nice additional area to the game's map. However, it seems as though the regular version will never make use of it, as if they'd intended to it likely would have been in the game proper from the first release.
Even if you don't want to download these modifications, you can still get there - it just takes a fair bit more time, and a fair bit more fiddling around.