10 Deceptive Video Game Loot You Instantly Regretted Picking Up

6. Charismatic Autobiography - Yakuza 0

Baldur's gate 3 Djin

Yakuza 0 has a lot of wacky and strange objects for you to pick up on your quest to beat up every thug in the Shinjuku area, like a chicken manager or good luck socks.

Most of these oddities are given to you as a harmless joke or can even provide you with minor bonuses, but in the case of the Charismatic Autobiography, the loot is designed specifically to be the bane of your existence.

You acquire the autobiography by correctly answering two trivia questions in the "Damned Yanki" side story. The item has a very vague description, so you might try to equip it to see what it does, not notice a difference, and then go on with your day... Until swarms of super-strong enemies suddenly start jumping at you from every street corner!

Yes, what the autobiography does is secretly turn ALL NPCs in the game hostile, and while it's at it, it also makes them tougher to fight.

Once you equip it, you basically won't ever be left alone, and the game will turn into a nightmarish gauntlet of endless street fights.

Jeez. Either that Autobiography is the hottest book on the market or people really, really hate the author's guts.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.