10 Deceptively Simple Video Game Quests That Went Bad QUICK

7. Skellige's Most Wanted - Witcher 3

Red Dead Redemption 2 Francis Sinclair Time Traveller
CD Projekt RED

The Witcher 3 likes to test the player's morality at every step of the way. However, the mission "Skellige's Most Wanted" does this in the most sudden and unexpected way possible.

The mission starts off like any typical Witcher job. Geralt is hired to get rid of some nekkers and goes to investigate a recently attacked horse wagon. At the scene of the attack, he finds a trail of footprints, but when he decides to follow them, instead of nekkers, he finds a pair of boots made out of a nekker's feet.

Combined with a few other clues found along the way, it quickly becomes clear that the attacks were all a hoax and that someone is out to get you. However, things are only starting to get weird.

When Geralt finally confronts the perpetrators, they all turn out to be monsters! They explain that they banded together to trap Geralt and judge him for his crimes against all of monsterkind.

Depending on how sympathetic you were to monsters in the past, the encounter will either end with the monsters sparing you or attacking you all at once.

It's a truly bizarre moment of judgment that you'd never expect from such a seemingly simple mission.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.