While the story of Shadow of the Colossus was a little bit predictable as the game went on, it is still undeniably depressing. You play as Wander; a young man who has been charged to hunt down and defeat 16 creatures of epic proportion in order to save Mono; his true love. After you defeat the last of the giant beasts it becomes all too clear that they werent actually the bad guys but they were there to stand in the way of an evil demon called Dormin. With the Colossi having gone the way of the dodo, Dormin was free and quickly set about ruining your life by possessing you and turning you into some half-goat half-human infant that your love, Mono, decides to take care of. The knowledge that you were the reason these benevolent guardians were slaughtered and you are responsible for all the disharmony in the world created by Dormin is a difficult (and depressing) pill to swallow. A Silver Lining? Hunting down and fighting the Colossi was a blast until we realised they were the good guys.
Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.