10 Most Deranged Video Game Psychopaths

2. Kefka Palazzo €“ Final Fantasy VI

Many of you probably will have expected the platinum haired Sephiroth to be fulfilling the Final Fantasy quota of this list. While the antagonist of Final Fantasy VII with his megalomania and disregard for human life certainly has psychopathic traits, he seems like a model citizen compared to Kefka Palazzo of Final Fantasy VI. Kefka departed from the traditional formula of FF€™s uncharismatic, cold, ruthless antagonists and was loud, randomly destructive and €“ most of all €“ deeply unhinged. The killer clown is the court mage of Emperor Gestahl but acts as he sees fit behind his masters back. From his trademark eerie cackle to his habit of calling fighting €œplaying€, it soon becomes clear that Kefka is completely lacking the empathy and compassion that makes us human. We learn that Kefka€™s sanity was shattered when he was gifted with dangerously powerful magic that his psyche was unable to cope with. During the game Kefka€™s more aggressive insanity develops into deep nihilism as he begins to question what the purpose of existence is for. The antagonist of FFVI is so memorable as a psychopath as he boasts the undesirable combination of mental instability and intimidating power.
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Far Cry 3
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.