10 Despicable Gaming Moments That Show The Censors Might Have A Point

7. Manhunt (2003)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z66BcXVdI4A Like Mortal Kombat and GTA, the Manhunt franchise is a 'go-to' violent game for protectors. And, it's not hard to understand why. In my eyes, the executions are disturbing because of the lack of dramatisation behind it. They aren't over the top or have vast amounts of blood like in Mad World, which makes them seem more real. Also, killing the sound whilst the beating is taking place honestly makes for an unsettling moment. However, I always found the Manhunt franchise amazingly dull, so the executions seemed more like annoying little movies than heart-stopping revulsion. But, like each of the titles on this list, I can understand that when you look titles like Manhunt €“ not from a gamers' perspective, or a Daily Mail reader;s for that matter €“ but an everyday regular human being, you can identify that these types of games are contemptible.

Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.