10 Devastating Video Game Betrayals You Never Saw Coming

5. Lance Vance - GTA: Vice City

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City We€™ll all disagree on which is the better GTA game, but no matter what we can all agree that Vice City was a thoroughly entertaining game during the good old PS2 days. Your first meet Lance after taking out the cook Leo Teal and a partnership is born. Everything seems to go rather well for the duo as you complete missions together; that is until Lance gets himself captured and tortured by Diaz€™s men. His usefulness begins to reach its peak until he redeems himself by producing a couple of M4 Carbines, which were pretty useful before I discovered cheats. Tommy and Lance end up taking down Diaz and taking over his mansion, and everything begins to perk up for the duo. Whilst Lance may have complained a few times about how Tommy treats him, especially after Cop Land, I never expected him to turn on Tommy as he does when Sonny turns up. Whilst it does sort of make sense that Lance would be unhappy about his treatment, betrayal was something I never saw coming at all. Tommy helped Lance out of so many sticky situations; he saved his life and helped him avenge the death of his brother to boot. Sure, Tommy didn't treat him as an equal, but to turn his back on him altogether and jeopardise everything they worked for? Too far man, too far.
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