10 Developers Who Have Never Made A Bad Video Game

5. Kojima Productions

Kojima Productions
Kojima Productions

Parsing out where Konami ends and Kojima Productions starts can be pinpointed to 2005, when Hideo Kojima's own team of developers was allowed their own independent label, but as a creative team existing within a larger developmental framework, they were still responsible for every main Metal Gear Solid, Zone of the Enders, Policenauts, Snatcher and even the ace card game, Metal Gear Ac!d.

The hugely risky Castlevania: Lords of Shadow also went down a storm thanks to having its heart in the right place, and experimental one-off demo P.T. (Silent Hills) became many peoples' 2014 Game of the Year. The "worst" the studio ever got was the Wild Guns-esque Metal Gear Touch on phones, but even that was playable and fun enough for a quick five minutes.

Back to P.T., as even though it was a demo; literally one L-shaped corridor filled with secrets and things to find through sheer repetition, it was so well made; so scary and so shareable, it outdid the majority of full releases. Now THAT really is talent.

With Metal Gear, it goes without saying that not only did the first entry invent stealth mechanics, but Metal Gear Solid introduced a level of cinematic quality and framing to cutscenes, that meant the industry would never be the same again.

Here's to Death Stranding. If any part of you is wondering if it'll be any good - just look at KojiPro's immaculate back catalogue.

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