10 Disturbing Video Game Glitches That Will Haunt Your Dreams

9. Heavy Rain: Telekinetic Scott Shelby

Little known fact: Scott Shelby is not only a hot-shot private dick who doesn€™t play by the rules. He€™s also telekinetic. Or maybe he€™s just completely crazy. Either way, this glitch renders one of the more touching scenes in Heavy Rain into something that resembles a short avant-garde horror film complete with twitchy legs in a bloody bath tub and a woman floating outside a window. Mute the volume if you want to avoid an unnecessary commentary that drops spoilers about the plot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myLW6BYNhiU
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Far Cry 3
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Javy Gwaltney is an aspiring author, screenwriter, and essayist from South Carolina. He also likes to write about video games. You can find his articles on those at Bitmob and Whatculture! If you like, you can follow him on twitter: https://twitter.com/JavyIV