10 Disturbing Video Game Locations With A Dark Secret
9. The Abandoned Mine Shaft Hides A Vinewood Secret - Grand Theft Auto V

The map of Los Santos from Grand Theft Auto V hides a plethora of secrets in every nook and cranny.
However, there is one place on the map that has revealed its dark secret only recently, much to the fanbase's anticipation.
The abandoned mineshaft to the north of Los Santos has been the subject of many fan theories and creepypastas ever since GTA V came out, but for the longest time, it remained completely inaccessible.
Until recently.
The enhanced edition update for GTA V finally opened up the mysterious cave, and when all the eager players jumped at the opportunity to explore, they discovered the morbid reason why the place was boarded up.
Inside the mine, there is a mummified corpse dressed in old-fashioned clothing, clearly murdered and abandoned in the mine.
The discovery of the corpse starts a secret mission in which you find out the body belongs to an old actor from the Golden Age of Vinewood who was killed by his studio after he ditched his role in a movie.
The secret of the cave is absolutely creepy the first time you find it, but it's worth looking into, as completing the investigation quest unlocks a special noir filter for the game.