10 Disturbing Video Game Secrets Hiding In Plain Sight
Sometimes the scariest things happen right in front of you...

You don't have to play a horror game in order to be freaked out. Developers love to put little dark secrets into their projects that are meant to scare anyone who's curious enough to look for them.
Except, sometimes, you don't even have to look to become their victim.
Some video games like to hide their spooky secrets in plain sight. They lurk behind the ordinary things you might do when you play, to scare the crap out of you when you least expect it.
They hide in random rooms, roads, office buildings, even among regular NPCs! However, regardless of where the secret lies, each and every time it's guaranteed to give you a heart attack and severe trust issues that will change your whole perspective on the game and make you never want to explore again.
The following secrets might be hidden, but they actually want to be found. They'll wait for you out in the open, ready to shock you, so if you don't want to get a nasty surprise, prepare yourself for their appearance with the following list!
10. Wallpaper Ghost - Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing might be targeted at kids (and overworked adults who like to relax by doing more virtual chores), but it definitely has its scary moments.
Most of them are related to the game's lore that sometimes likes to share a little too much information with the player (like how vocaloid are apparently dead people), but in Animal Crossing: New Horizons it is actually an easter egg that does the scary.
The easter egg is hidden inside the special, spooky holiday wallpaper that was released in the 2021 Halloween update.
The wallpaper shows a cartoonish dark forest, but also a hidden, photorealistic sprite of a ghost!
The dissonance of adding a realistic-looking person in a white sheet is already slightly disturbing, but what makes this Easter egg truly terrifying is that the ghost moves!
Yes, every time you turn the lights on and off, the ghost changes its position on the wallpaper!
This can give you quite the spook, especially if you enter the room and the wallpaper ghost chooses to teleport right behind you after stalking you between the cartoon trees.
Nintendo! This is supposed to be a family-friendly game!