10 DLCs That Single-Handedly Saved Video Games

8. Gods & Kings And Brave New World - Sid Meier's Civilization V

Destiny The Taken King
2K Games

Sid Meier's Civilization V is easily one of the best games in the series. Even nowadays, the fifth entry has plenty of fans who consider it to be better than its 2016 successor. However, this wouldn't have been the case if it weren't for Civilization V's two DLCs, Gods & Kings and Brave New World.

Although Vanilla Civilization V is by no means a bad game, initially it lacked a lot of key features that made it so addicting. The game had no religion mechanics, a very limited tech tree, and even some of the most basic features, like boats being able to capture coastal cities, were not present in the base game.

The two DLCs released for Civilization V improved it beyond all recognition. So much so that most people can't even imagine playing the game without them. This is why it's fair to say that while Civilization V wasn't necessarily doomed to fail, its DLCs saved it from becoming a generic and unmemorable experience, unlike many copycat titles that try to fruitlessly recreate Civilization's formula and then fade into obscurity.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.