10 Dumbest Controversies That Dogged Popular Video Games

6. Destiny's Overpriced Dance Emotes

Destiny 2 Emotes

It comes to something when a fanbase are so loyal, so dedicated and so in love with a given game's universe... they'll lose their damn minds over dance emotes.

Arising from Bungie repackaging released pieces of DLC into a more complete Collector's Edition (to drop in time with The Taken King), those who'd already spent the cash keeping up should've been sitting this one out, right?


Turned out, if you lined up the released DLC with the new Collector's Edition, the difference came down to three all-new exclusive emotes, and three armour shaders; ones you couldn't get unless you splashed out the full additional $60, to complete your collection.

Understandably the hardcore fandom was infuriated - something that wasn't helped when Community Manager Luke Smith claimed they would "throw money at the screen" if they could see what was on offer.

Once everything was settled, the Destiny fandom plodded on, but not before forums and comments sections were ablaze... over dance emotes.

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