10 Dumbest Plot Reveals In Gaming History

1. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - You're Not Big Boss

resident evil 5 jill

Fool us once, Kojima, shame on you. Fool us to play as someone that isn't the series stalwarts that gamers had come to love, them doubly shame on you.

You'd think, after the ire and bile aimed at the Snake/Raiden switch in MGS2, Kojima wouldn't pull this on the fans again. But he did, and then some, for Metal Gear Solid V.

Did it ever seem strange that some characters don't seem too keen to see Big Boss? Or weirder still, have to double-take and confirm it is him? Perhaps Boss' lack of chat seemed odd, considering MGS is known for word vomiting.

Turns out, there's a bigger reason for that, and not just the Sutherland-for-Hayter voice actor switch.

No, it's because Boss isn't the Boss, he's a medic hypnotised to pretend to be a Boss. That's right, this massive, sprawling conclusion to the Big Boss saga is that players don't actually play as the Boss at all.

Even worse, it retcons as far back as the original Metal Gear games. It just raises more questions, the biggest being, "Why did we spend 60 hours being duped?".

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.