10 Dumbest Plot Reveals In Gaming History

2. Final Fantasy VIII - All Amnesiacs

resident evil 5 jill
Square Enix

Amnesia, as a plot device, has been massively overused in media over the decades. When a big reveal is, "It was X character all along, but they'd forgotten" for the umpteenth time, the dramatic effect wears thin.

But leave it to Squaresoft to not just double down but... well, Square it. That's right, it's not just one member of the edgy teenage world-savers with plot-convenient memory loss, it's pretty much all of them.

Turns out, they all went to the same orphanage together. That, in itself, is one massively lame reveal. The next doubling down part? Irvine dropping some late-game knowledge that he knew this already, and that it's the use of the game's summons that cause the amnesia.

And what? We had to go through several discs' worth of wondering when some reveal would happen, and the bullseye-shooting berk didn't think to bring it up sooner?

It just smacks of a writing team that ran out of time/money/inclination that went, "...and they all grew up together, go team, saves the day". Probably the same laziness they brought over to Final Fantasy IX's story too...


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.