10 Dumbest Plot Reveals In Gaming History

6. Dishonored 2 - Delilah Is The Queen's Sister

resident evil 5 jill

Retcons, the act of retroactively altering past events to fit a new narrative, barely work. More often than not, they actually create new plot holes. The biggest of which being:

"Oh right, and nobody thought to mention this before...?"

Case in point, the familial bond between late Empress Kaldwin and Delilah, the erstwhile leader of the Brigmore witches. The witches coven who, up until this point, had been more of a foil to the assassin Daud than the empire.

But, by the time the sequel came around, and Delilah rocks up to Empress Emily's digs and demands the throne it's... because she's Emily's aunt. There's no mention of this in the first game, nor the DLC that specifically focus on the witch.

Why couldn't the villain just be a new, hostile threat to spur the events of the game on? History is literally paved with events like this that the game could have interpreted.

Alas no, and players were fed some shoehorned in retcon about how we all conveniently forgot that Emily and Delilah were sisters, living out a Prince and the Pauper-style lifestyle to motivate the throne-grab.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.