10 Dumbest Plot Reveals In Gaming History

4. Super Mario Bros. 2 - It Was All A Dream

resident evil 5 jill

Fans of the now-vintage TV show Dallas were in uproar when a large part of a season was subject to an "It was all a dream" rug-pull at the start of the next season. And as such, it's been parodied over the years over how absurd it was.

But when a video game does it? That's just... well, it feels like the whole endeavour was pointless. Was dodging those horrible floating masks for nothing? Were all those deaths at the hands of Wart pointless?

Yes, it seems, as it was all the figment of a sleeping Mario's dream, who clearly doesn't get enough excitement in his day job. Which apparently, is plumbing.

Now, part of this could be down to the strange history behind Super Mario Bros. 2, in that it is essentially a reskin of another game; Doki Doki Panic. Which in terms of divergent gameplay, explains why it's not really considered story canon in the Mario universe.

But it's not necessarily an easy game either, with players wanting a little more in their resolution than, "Oh yeah, it's just Mario having a snooze".


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.