10 Early Contenders For Game Of The Year 2016


Doom game
Id Software

Bethesda's licensing department are truly the MVPs this generation, as not only have they resurrected the ailing Wolfenstein franchise before breathing new life into Quake for 2017, but this year's DOOM is absolutely f*cking BRILLIANT.

Seriously, have you seen it in action? Liquid-smooth 60fps frame-rates across the board, a campaign that tells a brilliantly self-reflective and nuanced story about a character called 'Doomguy' (yes really), weapons that are just plain fun to use, buckets of gore and entrails soaking the screen as you get whisked along on the greatest power fantasy ever coded... the list goes on, and on.

Like a Slayer album cover come to life in everything from attitude to execution, 2016's revamped DOOM was everything fans wanted fixing from the corridor-crawling DOOM 3, not to mention reigning in thousands of new fans along the way.

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Gaming Editor

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