10 Earth-Shattering Video Game Plot Twists You Didn't See Coming

2. 'The Polito Form Is Dead, Insect.' - System Shock 2

Mass effect saren
Electronic Arts

Bioshock’s iconic ‘Would you kindly?’ may well be the greatest plot twist of all time, a brilliant piece of razor sharp misdirection that absolutely no one saw coming. But its spiritual predecessor, System Shock 2, produced a twist far more shocking – and terrifying.

Things have gone badly wrong aboard the starship Von Braun: something that definitely shouldn’t have been was brought board, unleashing a biological psychic hive-mind that promptly transformed the crew into a mob of moaning, mutated zombies. Emerging from stasis into the midst of this horror you are contacted by Dr Janice Polito, who saves your life and orders you to meet her.

Problem is, Polito is dead. Instead you find yourself confronted by SHODAN, an insane, incalculably dangerous AI, whose distorted, mocking voice and cold green eyes is the thing of nightmares. She reveals that she’s the one who created the biological plague ravaging the ship, and you are going to help her kill her unruly children.

And she’s not about to take no for answer.

With Bioshock chances are you don’t remember who was behind the famous twist. With System Shock 2’ reveal of SHODAN you will never forget. It is simultaneously a stunning twist and an equally stunning intro to one of the most frightening villains in gaming.

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