10 Embarrassing Gaming Moments Our Parents Walked In On
8. Don Corneo Dating Game - Final Fantasy VII
One of the stranger moments in the Final Fantasy series (and that's saying something) emerges when Cloud visits Midgar's Wall Market, and realise that Tifa has visited the mansion of one Don Corneo, a sleazy mafia type with an insatiable taste for the ladies. As Corneo doesn't allow any men into his compound, Cloud is forced to dress up as a woman, resulting in the player having to collect various objects (such as a wig, dress, and make-up) from around the market in order to fool Don Corneo. Even if you're able to disguise Cloud enough to fool Corneo, the deception is eventually revealed before you're able to kiss, and you're eventually ejected into the sewers. Still, it's a pretty weird scene for anyone to catch you playing: just be grateful that those PS1 character models are blocky enough that a passing glance might not indicate that you're playing a crossdresser who is attempting to seduce an overweight, perverted pig of a man.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.