10 Embarrassing Things We All Did In Famous Video Games
1. Screen Watching - GoldenEye 007
Almost 20 years after the fact, with all of the technological innovation we've seen, Rare's N64 classic GoldenEye is still regarded by many as one of the greatest multiplayer FPS games ever made. Its controls are horribly dated, the graphics look ridiculous, but it's still a refreshing blast to play in the face of the various CoD clones flooding the market these days.
However, like any locally-played FPS game, its multiplayer component has one major flaw: the three others you're playing with are sitting beside you, and so can see exactly what you're doing (unless you resort to the...elaborate method pictured above).
Playing an FPS game locally works on an honour system of sorts, whereby players aren't supposed to look at the screens of their enemies, though inevitably, whether deliberately or by accident, you'll end up catching a glimpse of your friend camping in the Facility toilets and know he's set a mine trap for you.
Whether you choose to go to your death anyway in the interest of fairness or use this information to your advantage is up to you, though let's be honest, most of us have intentionally screen-watched in our time, and if we could somehow do it in the modern age of online play, we definitely would.
It's an embarrassingly lame thing to be caught doing: if you suddenly zero in on an opponent's location multiple times in a row, it's going to be clear you're cheating, so you need to be sneaky about it. Perhaps take the scenic route to your enemy's location before pulling the trigger: they'll probably still be suspicious, though, and just start screen-watching you back.
Did we miss any embarrassing things you did in classic games? Let us know in the comments!