10 Embarrassing Things We All Did In Famous Video Games

9. Killing Your Sims - The Sims

There comes a point when playing The Sims where you've got the huge house, loving family and pretty much every creature comfort you could possibly want for your "subjects" to have. So, what now? Well, there's a certain cathartic joy to be had in destroying something beautiful and pristine, so why not burn the whole place down?

Firstly, remove the doors to the kitchen, then get a Sim to start cooking, but command them to walk away from it and a fire should break out. With nowhere to go, they will have no choice but to burn.

A classic Sims tactic is to let your Sims take a swim in the outdoor pool, then remove the ladder and simply wait for them to drown. The Sims may have been designed as a light, undemanding game for all the family, but it's also a great way to plot the murders of others in some hilariously insidious ways: there's nothing as satisfying in the game as inviting the entire neighbourhood over for a party and then setting a blaze that kills them all.

Though if anyone catches you laughing maniacally at the charred remains of your digital lab rats, you might be encouraged to seek some professional help. Best to lock the door when you play this one.

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Tomb Raider
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.