10 Essential Fixes The PS4 Desperately Needs

10. Durable Analog Sticks On The Dualshock 4

Sony€™s Dualshock 4 is certainly their best controller yet, and anyone who has tried using the PS3€™s lighter, flimsier device in the past 12 months will no doubt attest to the improvements made in between generations. It€™s by no means a perfect creation, however, and with the next version of the device likely to be almost a decade away with the next version of the console, Sony needs to simply tweak the production of these devices for future batches. Despite all of its ergonomic prowess, the Dualshock 4 is suffering numerous reports of damaged analog sticks even after fairly average usage. With pressure applied to the sticks, their rubber coating is wearing away over time before splitting and peeling away. In the best case this is a mild discomfort for players, but in the worst cases the rubber is tearing right off the stick. In these cases the plastic that€™s left underneath is nowhere near large enough for effective use and renders the device almost useless. The analog sticks are essential as the cornerstones of almost every game€™s control setup. Despite suggestions from Sony that this issue only affected very early versions, the problem has still not been completely fixed and future batches have to have this resolved to increase the life of the console€™s controllers. And while we€™re on the subject of life expectancies€
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.