10 Essential Indie Games Every Gamer Should Play

7. Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons (2013)

Brothers a tale of two sons
Starbreeze Studios

Many big budget titles could really learn a thing or two from indie games on the art of telling a story without the need for constant interruptions and cut scenes. One of the best examples of this in recent years is Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons which tells a dark yet moving tale with a gut punch of an ending.

A good story is of course pretty meaningless if the gameplay isn’t up to scratch, but Brothers delivers in this department too. The key to the gameplay is the unique control scheme that tasks the player with guiding both brothers at once using the two analogue sticks, as well as R1 and L1 for context sensitive actions. This has allowed the developers to create some brilliantly clever puzzles and gameplay sequences that otherwise wouldn’t be possible. Like many indie games this is a fairly short experience but it's one that’ll stick with you long after the credits roll.


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