10 Essential JRPGs You Need To Play Before You Die

7. Xenoblade Chronicles


Xenoblade Chronicles is a franchise you might not be familiar with, but what you probably are familiar with is the main character Shulk who has debatably become more iconic than the game itself, and for good reason.

Shulk is one of the best protagonists to appear in a JRPG; he’s tough but noble, brash yet emotional; with his quest for revenge against the Mechon being one you immediately empathize with after seeing how Metal Face kills his love Fiora.

These elements make the grand story of Xenoblade all the more engaging and fun, which is helped by the breathtaking landscapes you’ll explore, such as Gaur Plains and the Mechonis.

There is so much going on in this game that you’d think it would all crumble down under the weight of its own ambition. Yet, it still manages to combine a fantastic story with exploration and a complicated yet rewarding combat system.

You’re in for a long ride in the 100+ hour journey Xenoblade Chronicles is, yet, every moment of it is polished to near perfection.

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My second biggest passion in life is writing. The first is Kingdom Hearts. I'm also a fan of all things video games and anime. With some comic books on the side. If you want to see some of my other stuff, check out my blog: thelechuga.com