10 Essential PS1 RPGs (That Aren't Final Fantasy)

1. Legend Of Dragoon

Chrono Cross
SCE Japan

Gamers are a fickle bunch, aren't they? They don't want the same, but you make something to essentially share the limelight with its peers, and it gets dismissed as an imitator. Sometimes, you just can't win.

Whilst it does offer many similarities and common aspects of a "traditional" RPG, Legend of Dragoon added the ability to change the titular Dragoons into enhanced versions of themselves to aide in combat. Much like Limit Breaks and Trance in FF, it improved combat from being simple and turn-based.

It does have some glaring flaws, though. Uninspired character names, such as protagonist Dart and mid-villain Lloyd (...seriously, who calls a bad guy Lloyd?), alongside the rather unimaginatively named God of Destruction don't help.

It also suffers from some rough and edgy character modelling, which sometimes look out of place on pre-rendered backgrounds. Considering this came out at the same time as Chrono Cross, its a shame it couldn't match the former's graphical fidelity.

That being said though, it's not a detriment to the game. If you're after something to fill that void between Final Fantasy but don't want to branch too far out, you can't go wrong with Legend of Dragoon.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.