10 Essential Strategies To Save Nintendo

9. Replace The Wii U With A New Mega-Console

Let's assume that a massive price cut is out of the question, that it's just not financially viable for Nintendo to slash it down to the bone because it costs them too much to keep making the damn things in the first place. Let's also theorize that no amount of rebranding is going to rinse that bitter taste out of unimpressed consumers minds significantly enough to make them trade in their PS4 or Xbox One consoles. Now we're in a position where Nintendo needs to look at cutting their losses with the Wii U, quit while they're behind, and start again from scratch. But this time, instead of wasting everyone's time with a "new" console which is barely as powerful as the existing hardware, anything new from Nintendo has to be simply mind-blowing. They can't rely on peripheral gimmicks either. Not this time. Microsoft has (hopefully) learned a lesson with the gaming public's general apathy towards Kinect - the lesson being, we want killer hardware, not gadgets. If Nintendo is to re-enter the home gaming market, and make any sort of impact, they will have to follow the status quo: put together the most powerful combination of hardware components available within a marketable budget, wrapped up in a sleek shell, with a ultra-desirable name and awe-inspiring tech specifications plastered right there on the box. Let the strength of the games library drive sales, not quirky add-ons - this is not the time to take unwarranted risks. It's also not the time to overspend on components, so perhaps Nintendo should look to some soft of production partnership along the lines of the original Nintendo/Sony team-up that resulted in the first PlayStation? Spread the costs, spread the risks.
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Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.