10 Essential Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Warhammer 40K Crusade

7. Crusade Point System

A reasonable concern was raised when the mode was first announced. How will this game mode allow people who have new Battle Rosters go up against seasoned Warbands?

Luckily Games Workshop have come up with a nice solution to this problem!

For ever unit that levels within your battle roster they get +1 to their Crusade Points. Whilst playing the game you keep a tally of the overall Crusade points of your faction. Further to this you accumulate Crusade Points for performing actions such as removing a battle scar from a unit.

Using these points, you compare your Crusade Point level to your opponents to determine how many additional Command Points (CP) you will get in the coming battle. Essentially you subtract the numbers from each other, divide it by two and round up.

Having additional Command Points in smaller skirmishes will balance out the buffs your opponents seasoned warriors have earnt.

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Hailing from Sunny Wales, Joe has a disposition similar to the weather of his country. Grim... and... dark. This has lended well to his obsession with all things grimdark in the 41st Millennium. Willing to fight and die for the Emperor and Dorn, Joe will crusade his way through all of the Black Library and beyond.