10 Evil Video Game Villains You Couldn't Wait To Kill

8. Vaas - Far Cry 3

far cry 3 vaas

One of the most iconic villains of the last generation, Far Cry 3's Vaas completely transformed an otherwise forgettable narrative into something truly memorable. The leader of a violent band of pirates, the character had a hand in everything from drug smuggling to human trafficking, but there was one villainous act he was particularly fond of: beating the living piss out of the player.

Unlike a lot of video game baddies who rarely interact directly with the player, Vaas is present throughout most of Far Cry 3, showing up every couple missions or so. Hell, the guy captures you over three times throughout the sequel, at one point even tying some rocks to your feet and shoving you into a pit of deep water.

Although you manage to escape every time, these powerless moments maintain Vaas as a genuine threat, and his constant monologuing allows you first-hand experience of how much of a bastard he can be.

Brilliantly brought to life by the always-excellent Michael Mando, Vaas feels like he's only ever one step away from having a total psychotic breakdown, but it's that unpredictability which makes him so compelling. It's also why the game suffers so much when he's taken out the action for the final third.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3