10 Exact Moments Hated Video Games Were Saved

7. Removing Multiplayer & Overhauling Progression - Mass Effect 3 (Legendary Edition)

final fantasy 14

There are many reasons why people despised Mass Effect 3 when it first came out, even though in hindsight, it really is not that bad you guys. That having been said, hiding the best ending behind a wall that can only be surmounted by playing the shoddy multiplayer was not the best way to win people over, Bioware.

However, The Legendary Edition then came along to not only remove that nonsense, but then replace it with something much better. Now, obviously they removed the multiplayer since no one gave a damn about it, and then made the true ending accessible through other means.

Accessing the true ending of the trilogy is now based on how much content you complete across the 3 games.

If you play through the full trilogy on one Shepard, you only have to complete around half the optional content to get the true ending of 3. But if you go straight into 3, you have to do EVERYTHING before the final battle.

Since players were already going to do one or both of these things anyway, giving them a genuinely great reward for doing so was just icing on the cake, and did a lot to rehabilitate 3 in a lot of fans' eyes.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?