10 Exact Moments Sh*t Got Real In Great Video Games
5. Bioshock - Big Daddy
The first installment of the Bioshock series was as immersive (wink) as it was daunting. There are so many enemies that are out for your blood; The ADAM-hungry splicers that attack you on your entry into the underwater city of Rapture, and the security cameras that summon miniature, machine-gunning helicopters are bad enough, but just you wait until you come face to face with The Big Daddy.
Clearly, developers 2K Boston were incredibly proud of their Big Daddy enemy seeing as they choreographed a cinematic set-piece to introduce him with. With Atlas in your ear and a Splicer bearing down on a Little Sister, the player can only watch through a wide pane of security glass as the hulking, metallic, drill-wielding Big Daddy crashes through the ceiling and proceeds to dismantle the offending Splicer with the kind of furious ease last seen when Brock Lesnar debuted against Spike Dudley. The player knows, at that moment, they will eventually have to take on the Big Daddy which is an uncomfortable thought, to say the least.